Friday, August 6, 2010

Run #2

So as of yesterday, my legs still hurt, but I felt I was up for the challenge of running again.  This time I thought I'd try the treadmill and limit myself to 1.5 miles.  Before the Vibram's, I had been running at about 6 miles an hour.  Not a fast pace by any means, but I was just trying to get a good cardio workout in.  When I hopped on the treadmill with the Vibram's, the 6 mph pace was too slow.  So I bumped it up to 6.5 mph.  That felt pretty good, so I just left it there.

After my mile and a half I still felt pretty good and very briefly thought about running a little more.  Then I quickly remembered the pain I was in on Tuesday and thought I better not.  When I was done, my legs felt sore, but not anything like they did on Monday.

Running on the treadmill is obviously different then running outside, but I felt like I was able to maintain the toe to heal method of running.  I don't know if it was because of the treadmill or because I'm just getting used to the Vibram's or a combination of both.

Waking up today, my legs feel sore, but again, not anything like Monday.  They feel about the same as they did yesterday.  So hopefully limiting myself to 1.5 miles was the right thing and now I can slowly build up from there.

Next week we leave for the mountains for a week, so I'll be running outside again.  And new posts will have to wait until I get back.


  1. let me know when you plan to go to hawaii to do the iron man.....i'll be there!!! :)

  2. Very interesting Jeremy. Your plan sounds great. Keep it up.

    Carol Joy

  3. ps....i love the background on your blog. it's very peaceful.
